
Cambodia Will Have Nuclear Power Plants to Generate Electricity – Wednesday, 14.10.2009

The Mirror, Vol. 13, No. 634 – Wednesday, 14.10.2009

“Phnom Penh: The Minister of Defense, Deputy Prime Minister Tea Banh, announced on Tuesday morning, 13 October 2009, that in the near future, Cambodia will have nuclear power plants to generate electricity.

“This remark was made by Deputy Prime Minister Tea Banh during a session of the National Assembly, as he appeared there to defend a draft law about the prohibition of chemical, nuclear, biological, and radioactive weapons.

“Recognizing the destruction caused by the explosion of a nuclear power plants in Russia previously, Mr. Tea Banh explained to the session of the National Assembly that nuclear power is very useful serving peaceful purposes to make a strong contribution, developing a country. Previously, a nuclear power plants generating electricity had exploded in the Soviet Union [in Chernobyl in 1986], and radioactive substances spread and destroyed human lives. But based on that experience, the use of nuclear power has advanced considerably. At present, nuclear power is considered as a source of energy that can be set up to produce electricity, along with proper management, for peaceful purposes and for the development of a country. However, Deputy Prime Minister Tea Banh did not give any details about any plan to generate electricity in Cambodia in the future by using nuclear power.

“Also, during the National Assembly session on Tuesday morning, the members of the National Assembly began to check and adopt a draft law about the ban of chemical, nuclear, biological, and radioactive weapons.

“This draft, as claimed by the Deputy Prime Minister, aims to completely prohibit, in the Kingdom of Cambodia, the manufacture, possession, use, and transport of chemical, nuclear, biological, and radioactive weapons, and of chemical substances that are used to create such weapons.

“Deputy Prime Minister Tea Banh added that this law also intends to ensure security and public order, to protect the environment and citizens’ well-being, as well as to protect the security and peace in the region and in the world.

“The draft with 13 chapters and 32 articles requires the establishment of a national authority for combating chemical weapons with the Minister of Defense as head and with involvement from relevant ministries, including the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy, and the Ministry of Agriculture.

“The draft prohibits chemical and other specific weapons systems, and also states the penalties that threaten the offenders, to serve 20 to 30 years in prison, or for life, if they are found guilty of intentionally manufacturing, possessing, transporting, or using chemical, nuclear, biological, and radioactive weapons.

“Besides, a person that intentionally manufactures, buys, sells, possesses, stores, transfers, transports, or uses chemical substances in the health sector, in industry, mines, energy, agriculture, research, and other peaceful contexts, without the permission from relevant institutions or ministries, will be fined from Riel 20 million to Riel 50 million [approx. US$5,000 to US$12,500].

“The new law banning chemical weapons allows the use of chemical, nuclear, biological, and radioactive substances in the health sector, and in industrial, mineral, energy, agriculture, researches, and other peaceful activities and have a permission from the relevant institutions.

“Also, yesterday the National Assembly session checked and approved 17 articles of the draft law banning weapons of mass destruction. The National Assembly will check and approve the overall content of this draft on Wednesday morning of 14 October 2009.” Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.17, #5020, 14.10.2009

Newspapers Appearing on the Newsstand:
Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Deum Ampil, Vol.3, #310, 14.10.2009

  • The South Korean President Will Visit Cambodia on 22 October 2009
  • A Woman Sang at a Restaurant to Earn Her Living, but Her Husband Got Jealous and Killed Her [then escaped – Poipet]
  • North Korea Fired Five Missiles, Surprising the World

Kampuchea Thmey, Vol.8, #2071, 14.10.2009

  • A Siamese Official [the spokesperson of Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs] Denied that [the Minister of Foreign Affairs] Kasit Piromya Had Suggested to Create a Neutral Structure [in ASEAN, to solve border disputes, and denied a report in the Bangkok Post] saying so
  • Chinese Court Sentenced Six Persons To Death Involved in the Xinjiang Riots

Khmer Amatak, Vol.10, #660, 14.10.2009

  • Koh Kong, Kompong Thom, and Prey Veng Governors Do not Care about [Prime Minister] Hun Sen’s order] to Crack Down On Gambling [it is reported that there is one big gambling site in Koh Kong, three big gambling sites in Prey Veng, and one in Kompong Thom]

Koh Santepheap, Vol.42, #6778, 14.10.2009

  • Samdech Dekchor Hun Sen: Modernizing the National Defense Sector in Order to Have Sufficient Capacity Is in Line with the Situation [he said so during the 15th anniversary of the creation of Brigade 70]
  • The National Election Committee Informed about the Checking and Registration of Names in the Voter Lists [where 95,446 persons were added], Now There Are 8,400,448 Citizens over the Age of 18

Rasmei Kampuchea, Vol.17, #5020, 14.10.2009

  • Cambodia Will Have Nuclear Power Plants to Generate Electricity
  • Three Tax Office Chiefs in Kandal Were Removed from Their Positions, They Had Extorted Money from Cars Transporting Vegetable
  • The New Japanese Ambassador Promised to Help Attract Japanese Investors to Cambodia
  • Germany Affirms Support in the Land Sector in Cambodia [there is a plan for a meeting between a Cambodian and a German delegation to decide on aid for Cambodia from 15 to 16 October 2009]

Sereypheap Thmey, Vol.17, #1807, 14.10.2009

  • The International Institute for Justice and Development Warned that the government Must Support the Action of [the foreign investigating judge of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal] Mr. Marcel Lemonde [who summoned six high ranking government officials to testify]

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